
Cost Analysis: TransFueler Aviation

Cost Analysis: TransFueler Aviation

We’ve always known that a TransFueler will save money quite effectively for aircraft operators.
Now, we have actual financial analysis results to share.

This study was done by a good customer, one of the largest helicopter operators in the world. They operate about 400 jet helicopters in a variety of roles, primarily air ambulance and tourism.

The subject aircraft is an Airbus Eurocopter EC135.  This is a medium to large, twin turbine engine helicopter, used worldwide. Quite typical of air ambulance, law enforcement, tourism, etc. uses. In this scenario, the helicopter is based at a hospital or airport without access to fueling 24/7.

The study used data collected over a one year period of time. Bottom line: they discovered that a TransFueler saved almost $74,000/year.

Breaking it down:

  • Annual flights: 285 (Approximately 560 flight hours)
  • Flights needing extra stop to refuel: 199
  • Percentage of flights needing to stop to refuel: 70%
  • Actual extra flight time for fuel stop: 21 minutes per trip
  • Direct operating cost per flight hour (Excluding fuel): $759.11
  • Actual operating savings: $50,284


  • Aircraft hours reduced: 66
  • Aircraft fuel consumption, gallons per hour: 68
  • Average fuel cost per gallon: $4.12
  • Fuel cost savings: $18,565
  •  Annual flight hours: 559
  •  Hours reduced by not stopping for fuel: 66
  • Aircraft fuel consumption rate: 68 gallons per hour
  • Annual fuel use: 33490 gallons
  • Savings per gallon: $0.15 (Agreement with local fuel supplier)
  • Fuel savings: $5,024

Total Savings: $73,873
Typical cost of a TransFueler Aviation refueler, 750 gallon capacity: $28,000.
Time to completely recoup cost of purchasing TransFueler: 4.5 MONTHS

This isn’t a made-up marketing story. These are real numbers, from a real aircraft operator.
If you are interested in achieving similar results. Real, genuine savings. Get in touch.

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